
Philips top-20

◄◄ Fredag 24. januar 1986 ►►

Seneste hitliste på YouTube (Playliste)

DU SU FU UPL Top Titel Kunstner Point
1 1 1 7 1 CH Bolero (Hold Me In Your Arms Again) Fancy
2 - - 1 - CH The Sun Always Shines on TV a-ha!
3 2 2 6 2 CH Op På Fars Hat Walther og Carlo
4 - - 1 - CH Surrender Axodry
5 17 40 2 17 CH We Are Ninjas - Not Geishas Franked Chickens
6 5 12 3 5 CH Treatment Front and Fantasy
7 3 3 3 3 CH Real Men Tom Hooker
8 11 - 2 11 CH Time To Be Free Tomboy
9 - - 1 - CH Ridder Lykke Råkazino
10 - - 1 - CH One More Lonely Night Sound of Music
11 15 16 6 9 CH Hold Ud Nanna
12 7 5 6 5 CH I Love My Radio (Midnight Radio) Taffy
13 6 8 13 1 CH Point of View Nasa
14 4 4 5 1 CH Evolution (Loving Is Easy) Scotch
15 14 50 2 14 CH Hold Me Tight Night Society
16 23 39 1 23 CH For Your Love Airplay
17 19 24 6 9 CH Tonight She Comes The Cars
18 16 - 2 16 CH How Did You Get To Me Blind Date
19 35 - 1 35 CH Bring Sommeren Tilbage Klaus Kellerup
20 13 - 2 13 CH Ash 48 Ash 48
Lagt på nettet: 24-3-2005 15:07:08

Vælg dato
Januar 3 10 17 24 31
Februar 7 142128
Marts 7 14 2128
April 4 11 18 25
Maj 2 9 16 23 30
Juni 6 13 20 27
Juli 0411 18 25
August 1 0815 2229
September 5 12 19 26
Oktober 3 10 17 24 31
November 7 14 21 28
December 5 12 19 26


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